God Keeps His Promises

If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (AMP)

For those who are asking themselves,

“What just happened?”

I’m here to let you know that God kept His promise. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is an example of a promise from God to His people. There are requirements, as usual, and there is an assurance that comes from knowing that He never breaks His promises. In this election season, His people did their part and He did His part.

I met some of the prayer warriors that went into action. I actually had the honor of praying with some of them. I joined them because I know from personal experience that when God’s people are in the right position, with the right perspective, and the right attitude, God shows up.

As we saw on the historic night of the 2016 Presidential Election, He sometimes shows off. He does this in such a way that those who don’t believe in Him are often left without a clue as to the fact that something extraordinary happened. That’s why you won’t hear about this phenomenon in the news. The major news organizations are generally filled with people who don’t even believe there is a God and those who only give Him lip service – mostly on holidays.

It is hard for some to understand our concerns, but that’s not because there is no evidence of what was truly at stake. There are some who have manufactured the lie that says there was no difference in the candidates running for president. That may be true to the natural eye, but God’s people recognized some stark differences.

One thing we recognized is that one candidate threatened our God-given right to serve Him with our whole lives. You see, some of us do not believe that we are only called to be Christians within our homes or in our churches. We are commanded by God to serve Him with all of our minds, our souls, our hearts and to do so with all of our strength and to do so consistently.

Thankfully, that was enough to scare many of His people into action. I watched as one after another, they humbled themselves and prayed. I heard the cries of sorrow as they mourned over their sins. I listened as they asked for God’s forgiveness. There were confessions that included the fact that they had allowed themselves to forget the Great Commission, among other very important instructions found in the Bible.

Here’s the deal – once we are born again, we receive the Spirit of God. The Bible actually tells us that the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us. He also leads us and guides us as we seek to know the truth. We also have His words of instruction, correction and reproof in the Bible. Because of this, those who have truly surrendered themselves and transferred their right to control their own lives to God, have the inside scoop.

People like to lump us all together, but even the strongest critics of Christians and Christianity can tell you who is real and who is not. They are okay with the fakes. It’s the sold out ones that they want isolated – however that needs to happen. Their number one goal is to silence any semblance of sincere commitment to the Bible or to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

While we are alive and active, we will have access to the best that God has to offer. I’m excited about what this means for our nation and for the world as He is allowed to use those who have been called to action. God is love and He still wants the best for His creation. We will continue to pray.

For some, what happened in the 2016 Presidential election was a surprise. For committed Christians, it was a miracle! The only thing I can guarantee is that it will not be the last one!


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